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Bandit’s Life ~ amputation day


Tonight is going to be a very long night for Bandit, as well for me. As Bandit and I left the house this morning I kept thinking….this is the last morning that you will use that rotten ol paw that’s filled with cancer….it made me wonder does he know what’s about to happen. It also made me feel torn, questioning my decision but there was also a sense of peace in knowing that this is his only chance to survive and to relieve the pain in his paw. As I dropped Bandit off at 9AM, it about ripped my heart out to leave him there. The girls came out to get him and of course I tried to not cry, handed them his blanket (something familiar might help) and gave him hugs and told him that I love him. He’s so big that he kinda just pulls them around so they usually just stand there and let him watch me walk away and then they say he’ll go right with them without any problems. But today as she stood there holding him, I turned back to look at him as I neared the exit door and he was just sitting at her feet staring at me as if he was so sad…I just smiled to him and began to cry. They didn’t do surgery until later today and they finally had the Vet asst. call me around 6:30PM (OMG it took long enough & felt like forever) to update me. They said the surgery took a bit longer than expected but he is out and the Doctor was actually with him at the time they called because he was just waking up from the surgery. They also said that someone will be checking on him and taking care of him throughout the night which worries me. I keep thinking…I wonder what he is thinking laying there! Does he think I left him for good, is he mad at me for bringing him, is he in pain, is he sad…I just keep wondering what’s going through his head. To make matters worse today I also had to bring my Son to the doctor because he is very sick with the H1N1 virus, so I will be up most the night checking on him amd pacing around. Hopefully Aust feels better tomorrow but they said it could take 5 to 10 days, so I guess some homade chicken soup will be on the menu and I’m sure Bandit will be wanting a sample tomorrow as well. I am excited to pick him up tomorrow and I am just praying that he’s doing okay and will make it through the night, without a lot of pain and sadness:(

~ by band09 on October 19, 2009 .

5 Responses to “Bandit’s Life ~ amputation day”

  1.   Codie Rae Says:

    Oh Misty,

    Wow, what alot on your plate at once. Try not to worry about Bandit too much tonight. He is in good hands and is probably waaay too out of it to be sad or wonder much about what is going on. We cant wait to hear how he and your son are doing tomorrow and yes, I bet both he and your son will appreciate your chicken soup.
    Best wishes and we will be thinking of you all, try to get some rest and take care of yourself too,

  2.   jakesmom Says:

    Don’t worry too much about what Bandit was thinking throughout the nite while he was at the vet’s recovering… He was most likely on lots of pain meds… so he was probably really doped up and sleeping most of the time. He will need his rest the first week, and will be dopey, groggy and probably have some balance problems (probably more from the drugs since he was already hopping on 3 legs). Make sure he’s got lots of comfty areas to lie down on. We had set up a doggie bed, as well as several comforters around the house, so that wherever we were hanging out, Jake had a place to plop down. We still have them placed all over the house.

    I’m sorry to hear about your son too… I guess you’ll have 2 babies to spoil and take care of for the next week, eh? Try to get as much sleep as you can… you will need your strength to take care of everyone else.

    Let us know how Bandit is doing when he gets home…

    Jake’s Mom (Marguerite)

  3.   tootsweets Says:

    I hope Bandit and your son are doing ok! I know it is so tough leaving your dog and putting him through the amputation… but you have to remember that you are doing this out of love and Bandit knows that! Just think of how great Bandit is going to feel when he is rid of the horrible pain of cancer! He will be hopping around in no time!

    Kristin and Toto

  4.   admin Says:

    Best wishes for a complete speedy recovery. I bet the only thing Bandit is thinking, is how good it feels to have that painful cancer gone! That, and how good the chicken soup might taste. 😉

  5.   Grace Jorden Says:

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