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Bandit’s Life ~ 2 week post op appt visit


Well our appointment went better than we had thought it might…thank goodness! This was the first time ever taking Bandit to the Vet that I literally didn’t have to drag him through the double doors, which was shocking. He acted as if he knew this time it would be okay and he was all excited to see the girls, that was short lived though. Once he made his rounds getting his head rubbed and talked to by them he thought he’d had enough and wanted to try and drag me otta there…no such luck for him we needed his stitches removed and his rear end looked at. His favorite Doctor who encourages him that it’s okay said that his scar looked good other than the very lowest part which looked a bit bruised and she was wondering if that was from laying on it so much or him licking on it, but no infection. After those were out we all went outside so that she could observe him walking and running. She checked his reflexes to be sure they were working properly because if not that would indicate neurological issues and she said that they were good and she doesn’t believe it is that at all. She did some stretching exercises to his legs and said that his right hind leg is good but he wouldn’t let her extend his left rear leg very far (this is the side that had the front limb removal) and that it seemed to bother him more. She does believe that he’ll continue to gain strength and muscle mass as time goes on and reminded me that it is still very early in his recovery but she does want me to bring him back early next week to look at his legs. I asked her why when I take him outside does he want to take off at more of a run rather than a slow walk and she said that by him going faster it’s actually easier for him because he has less weight on each leg at one time and it’s more a strind motion rather than a hop. She thought his balance was very good and said that at this point if he’d rather go a bit faster than slower to let him since he is more comfortable with that but don’t let him over do it at all. Than came the dreaded scale, Bandit acts as if he’s going to fall through the darn floor when we walk him across it….funny! We were all thrilled to know Bandit’s new diet plan is working. The day they took him in for amputation surgery he weighed 139 pounds and is now down to 117 pounds….wonderful! She said to try to get him down at least another 7 to 10 pounds and make sure he maintains that weight. We bought another big bucket of glucosamine/vitamin chews (they smell like dark chocolate candy and Bandit loves them), grabbed his anti inflammatory pills and headed back home. It was a good day and like any day that is good after going through this… is humbling and makes a person realize one should be grateful for these small moments of happiness and good news because these are the important ones! Good night everyone and we’ll be sending prayers out tonight for all our Tripawd friends and their Mom’s, Dad’s and families!  ~ Love, Misty and Bandit

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~ by band09 on November 3, 2009 .

25 Responses to “Bandit’s Life ~ 2 week post op appt visit”

  1.   Codie Rae Says:

    Go Bandit! Go Bandit! We are so happy and relieved to read this post. It is soooooo true, Tripawds like to move fast–its just easier all around! Walking is the hardest gait for a tripawd. Your vet is totally right about that! The other thing is, for most dogs, all their strength is in their front end. So it makes sense that Bandit is having a little problem adjusting, having lost half his power up front. Hang in there and I bet he will be improving steadily over time. Sounds like your vet is great, down to earth, and really supportive. Its hard to be patient but two weeks is just a beginning! One other thing I was thinking of that might be useful for Bandit is acupuncture. This is something I have no experience with personally, but my mom has had great success with it for chronic life-long back pain. There have been some posts on Tripawds regarding acupuncture and it being helpful. I really want to try it for Codie Rae when it seems like it might be appropriate.

    Also, if you are not already, add a daily glucosamine pill to Bandit’s diet. This is something I have used personally and swear by. Supposedly the best is a combo of glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM.

    We just love your photos of Bandit–he has such a personality and it just shines through so brightly in your photos, we feel like we know him and love him as an old friend.

    Misty, thank you so much for sharing Bandit’s story and your hopes and fears with us. We are with you in spirit every step of the way! Have patience and be with Bandit in the here and now. That way you won’t be able to worry, because worry is rooted in the ‘what might be’, not the ‘what is’ 🙂

    Codie Rae and Martha

  2.   jerry Says:

    What a pawesome day! You’re right, it’s those little things that we all learn to be so grateful for.

    Good for you and Bandit to keep that weight melting off. The best thing you can do for a Tripawd, especially a front legger, is to keep them svelte. It really does make recovery and rebounding much, much easier.

    Keep it up! We’re sending our Tripawd love out to you.

  3.   admin Says:

    I’m so glad to hear bandit is doing better. It is still very early in his healing process indeed. As for his new gait, now you understand Jerry’s tagline for Tripawds … Its better to hop on three legs than to limp on four! Soon you’ll be trying to keep up with Bandit wherever he goes! 🙂

  4.   band09 Says:

    Thank you all for your thoughts and kind words of encouragement, you truly have no idea how much hope you’ve all brought into our lives especially when Bandit and I needed it the most! Today Bandit’s back legs seem to hurt worse in fact he don’t go very far in the house and he has to sit to give them a rest but he is playful and happy. We were at the Vet again yesterday because the very top part of the incision had began to open a bit and our favorite Vet took a look at Bandit’s back legs again and said that his muscles back there are getting huge and that the back hamstring muscle on his limbless side feels as if there’s a baseball in there. She has a lot of confidence that he’ll be okay in time. Thanks again to all of you for being a friend to us and giving us a place to feel at home!
    ~ Love, Misty & Bandit

  5.   shiloanne Says:

    He seems to love the camera!! What a good lookin’ boy, glad to hear the vet visit went so well… Keep up the pictures and updates, we love them!!

  6.   jakesmom Says:

    How’s Bandit feeling today? I’ve been thinking about you guys…

    Angel Jake’s Mom

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