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Bandit’s Life ~ Fall Is In The Air

It’s nearly that time of year…the leaves are beginning to change, homemade pies and canning fills our home with warmth, the chill of the air is crisp and clean, our Son is heading back to school and it’s Friday night football games for us as we watch Aust under the lights and you can hear the houndsmen out with their dogs in the early mornings. Bandit is loving the cooler weather and has been out running around a lot lately…so he’s feeling good much to my happiness and his…’s good : )

My husband is a houndsmen and although I love to watch the hounds we have enjoy their time spent in the woods, I guess you could say….this isn’t truly my cup of tea…lol! I’m fairly certain that I drive my man crazy always freaking out if he doesn’t get a beep on their tracking collar…yes I truly freakout but hey I love my dogs so he must deal with my issues….poor guy just trying to relax and enjoy running the hounds and there I am all nutted up! One of our hounds, Peepants has been in heat and OMG let me tell you…..Bandit and Wally have a well beaten path from the front porch to her kennel door. I’ve had to double the lock on it considering Bandit knows how to open the kennel doors….much to my aggravation! Poor Peepants she’s used to getting out of her kennel running around the yard and coming in the house to play but that hasn’t happened in a couple weeks now and she isn’t afraid to let me know how mad she is with that snotty little bark and her floppy ears pinned right tight to her head, all the while giving me that evil death stare!  It’s funny how dogs have their own way of letting you know they are mad at you.

Like last week I went for a walk and I knew it would be too long for Bandit so I went alone and of course when I came home “Mr. Personality” Bandit was all about giving me the cold shoulder for an hour. Gotta love finding yourself on your dog’s *$!@ list! Well I better get off here I have much to get done including cleaning dog kennels. Hope you all have a really great Labor Day Weekend if I don’t talk to you before then!

Love~ Misty & Bandit

~ by band09 on August 25, 2010 .

6 Responses to “Bandit’s Life ~ Fall Is In The Air”

  1.   admin Says:

    Mmmmmmmm… Pie! 🙂

    Fall is definitely in the air here in the Rockies too. We’re starting to bundle up in the morning and can’t believe the Aspens are turning already.

    Thanks for the update, it’s always wonderful to see Bandit’s beautiful face.

  2.   chasenthunder Says:

    lol i agree ya just got to love being on your dogs S-list…. I have a little dude that likes to go everywhere with me, horse back riding 4 wheeler riding motorcycle riding. he has this little backpack i put him in and he will be the happiest dog in the world if he is in that back pack but i tell you what, if i go out and get on my motorcycle and he dont get to come with me, he lays down hard, spread eagle on the concrete with the tip of his nose against the ground staring cross eyed at nothing for about 2 hours, and if i call his name he gets up turns around and lays in the same position facing the other way so he cant see me.
    you have a beautiful dog, and thats for sharing that wonderful story, lol made me smile

  3.   etgayle Says:

    beautiful picture of bandit! it’s still summer here in east tennessee, but we are definitely ready for the cooling temps of fall. running the hounds makes me think of the bill monroe tune, ‘jerusalem ridge’. bill wrote it about running his hounds in kentucky. enjoy your lovely weather!

    charon & gayle

  4.   Codie Rae Says:

    Yo Bandit! Great to hear from you! Fall is here too–we got our first heat wave of the season–it was 100 in Oaktown yesterday. OMD! Waaaay too hot for us dawgs! No crispy air here, oh no! Lucky its a short one and already cooling off tonight. Next one gonna make mom get out the wading pool oh yesh we are!
    Glad to hear you are doing well and still interested in the ladies Mr. Good Lookin’!

    Codie Rae

    p.s. Gayle, love that bluegrass!

  5.   jerry Says:

    Bandit, your beautiful eyes make my Mom’s heart go pitter patter. How can your Mom resist them?

    Peepants….omg I’m so glad YOU didn’t get that name!

  6.   band09 Says:

    Like that name….Peepants : )~
    If you only new this little walker hound and seen how she is you’d understand….Peepants is a very fitting name for her! Gotta love it! Her actually name is Bella but she is never called that and doesn’t respond to it. Well heck she doesn’t respond to anything….she’s all about what Peepants wants to do and when. She is so sassy and silly! When she comes in the house for playtime with all the other dogs and she thinks you’re getting ready to take her back outside she’ll go get completely under the covers on our bed and sit there. She must truly believe we can’t see her but the big bump under the blankets gives it away. You’ll tell her to get her butt out of there and of course because she is so very sassy she’ll sit straight up, still completely covered and tell you off with her snotty barking….she is a lippy/sassy little thing but also very loveable!
    As for Bandit’s eyes, he sure has so much expression in them. I can tell so much about how he’s feeling and his mood just by looking at them. I’ve always said, “he has kind eyes” and they do melt my heart and make me smile along with the tilting of the head….of course!

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