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Bandit’s Life ~ Still Happy & Still Holding OnTo Hope

 “My handsome boy with his sweet, kind eyes”

Well another year has come & gone and Bandit is still doing well, granted there are good days and not so good days but overall he is still happy & enjoying his life and that is what really matters. I still can’t believe that this last October it had been 2 years since his amputation, I’m very grateful for the blessings we’ve been given. He recently was having some trouble with his back legs so we had to see our Vet, they ran some blood work and xrays. They found that he has developed some arthritis right above his pelvic area, he is on one Previcox daily to help with any discomfort and he’s still taking his 2 fish oil capsules and his daily Joint Max soft chews. He’s doing much better now and is much more active again, thankfully.

“All in his glory, loving Christmas morning”

Bandit’s favorite holiday has come & gone, he loved all the attention, gifts and treats. Of course he got his favorite present of all, gummy life savers he only gets a big bag of them on Christmas and he knows it so as soon as I set the presents around the tree he’s right there waiting for morning to roll around. Every year he’s always the first one up, whinning next to our bedroom in hopes that we’ll crawl otta bed and tell him it’s time, the only problem with this is….it’s always around 5AM. Every year he is so completely nutted up he can’t even breathe right, I swear. He was actually in the middle of all the presents searching for his big bag of toys and those beloved gummy life savers. He is worse than a little kid, snooping around and I love it! As much as he looks forward to Christmas we look forward to watching his excitement every year Christmas morning.











 “My sweet boys, Quintcy Bleu & Bandit enjoying the snow fall”

With the lastest snow fall Bandit & Quintcy have been spending time outside in search of those little meadow mice that run under the snow. Every now and then I’ll see them carrying one around and tossing it in the air, poor little critter didn’t have a chance with those 2 out there. Bandit still acts as if he don’t like Quintcy but yet if Quintcy whines or yelps about anything (usually it’s the electric fence for the beef cattle that gets him) Bandit is the first one runing to see what’s wrong with him, completely sniffs him over and stands there looking at him like “what the heck is wrong with you” and has a confused yet concerned expressive look. Bandit is getting older though, on Feb. 25th he’ll be 11 years old so at times when he’s a bit cranky with the younger dogs I understand, he’s just tired and wants to be left alone and they all respect him enough to do that, well other than Quintcy, who’s only 10 months old. It’s not that he’s trying to be bothersome although he is but he just wants to lick Bandit’s face off and lay on top of him. I keep trying to get a picture of Quintcy sitting on Bandit’s head, it is too funny. He literally sits on top of Bandit’s head as Bandit just lays there with his head peaking out between Quintcy’s back legs looking at me like “OMG I hate Quintcy and why must he mess with me constantly.” It’s so cute and funny that I can’t even yell at Quintcy to leave him alone, I just want a picture of it!  Every now and then I have to yell at Quintcy to stop it, he don’t listen but Bandit usually will growl at him loud enough to get his attention and then he listens. It’s still a love/hate relationship on Bandit’s part but it’s all love on Quintcy’s. Well I best get off here and get somethings done before I head to bed.

Goodnight everyone! ~Love, Misty & Bandit                                                                                                 


~ by band09 on January 7, 2012 .

9 Responses to “Bandit’s Life ~ Still Happy & Still Holding OnTo Hope”

  1.   riosmom Says:

    So happy to hear that Bandit is loving life! Glad you all had a nice holiday!

    Micki and Rio

  2.   maximutt Says:

    I’m so happy to hear Bandit is doing well! Love your description of Bandit and Quintcy’s relationship! Sounds like it would make for some really funny videos!!

  3.   etgayle Says:

    what a great update, we are so glad bandit is doing well. eleven,he is a senior boy…what patience to put up with a little brother!! thanks for sharing the pictures too!

    charon & spirit gayle

  4.   doggiemomma9 Says:

    Hurray Bandit! I am so glad you are still doing well and living life to its fullest! Great pics of you and your brother!

    Nancy & Butchey

  5.   Lylee Girl Says:

    Thanks for sharing about Bandit and his great Christmas! What a lovely story his searching under the tree for his gifts – I love it 🙂 Hugs to you all
    Joanne & Lylee

  6.   admin Says:

    Happy to hear from you Bandit! What a sweet boy indeed.

  7.   AbbysMom Says:

    So cute about the gummi lifesavers and the head sitting. Maybe we’ll have to get Abby some gummis to try out…

    All the best to you and your gorgeous pups!
    Jackie, Abby’s mom

  8.   chilidawg Says:

    Hooray for Bandit! I love the pictures! Pawty on!

    Jenna & Spirit Chili Dawg

  9.   jerry Says:

    Oh Bandit you make my Momma’s heart melt! And Quintcy, you’re a handsome pup yourself.

    CONGRATULATIONS Bandit! I can’t believe it’s been over two years as well. What a remarkable pup you are. Tell me, is the secret in the gummy life savers? Or the mice? I gotta know!

    Love ya lots big fella, we’re so glad you’re lovin’ life.

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