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Bandit’s Life ~ everyone’s curious

• July 9, 2010

Lots has been going on around here lately and all the dogs are very curious with the arrival of our little calves….yay! It’s the one time of year that everyone wants to spend time in the pasture to checkout the new playmates. These little calves are usually up and running around trying out their kickers, […]

Bandit’s Life ~ Yay Summer’s Arrived

• May 27, 2010

Hello everyone….wow it’s been along time since we’ve written anything but from time to time we did swing by to read about all the other Tripawds.  Burr… sure was a long cold winter, Bandit was loving the cold powder of the snow that first month but then we had gotten rain which left a hard crust on […]

Bandit’s Life ~ still hoping along

• November 30, 2009

Good Morning Everyone! We hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving, if you’re not someone celebrates it, well I hope you had a good day anywho! Sorry we haven’t wrote in awhile but Bandit is still doing pawsome! He’s such a trooper and still has he trademark…head turning when being spoken to…we feel lucky. His legs […]

Bandit’s Life ~ 2 week post op appt visit

• November 3, 2009

Well our appointment went better than we had thought it might…thank goodness! This was the first time ever taking Bandit to the Vet that I literally didn’t have to drag him through the double doors, which was shocking. He acted as if he knew this time it would be okay and he was all excited […]

Bandit’s Life ~ 2 weeks tomorrow :(

• November 1, 2009

Hello everyone and thank you all for your comments and concerns…sorry I haven’t posted lately. Things around here have been so hectic…wow! Uhmm were to start…well Bandit had been doing wonderful the first 6 days and since then things have been very hard to be honest! I understand at times he’ll have days when he gets a […]

Bandit’s Life ~ made it through day 1

• October 21, 2009

Good Morning Everyone! Bandit is doing amazingly well….much to our relief! We received a call yesterday morning at 9AM from the Doctor, she said Bandit is up and doing pawsome and much to their disbelief he was getting up on his own, hopping around and even went outside to go pee. It felt as if a weight had been lifted […]

Bandit’s Life ~ amputation day

• October 19, 2009

Tonight is going to be a very long night for Bandit, as well for me. As Bandit and I left the house this morning I kept thinking….this is the last morning that you will use that rotten ol paw that’s filled with cancer….it made me wonder does he know what’s about to happen. It also made me […]

Bandit’s Life ~ hope & chance

• October 14, 2009

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Today we decided that it’s time to remove the leg.  As uncertain as our Vets our in doing so because he is so big, they worry about stress fractures or breaks in the good leg and because like any cancer it may have or  may not have spread…the X-rays were clear but that doesn’t mean that a cell […]

Bandit’s Life ~ finding hope

• September 25, 2009

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I’m the girl who never thought she’d have to deal with nor make decisions regarding the life of my best friend, Bandit. For 8 1/2 years he has been a huge part of my life, or I should say our family’s life. He has brought us laughter, loyalty, security and most of all overwhelming […]